10 ct. Euro coin from 2017 Finland

Cdb: SF040307

10 ct.


4th Series - New Mint Mark

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10 cent 2017 Large Reverse coin

Coin Description

Obverse : Twelve stars surround an heraldic lion; country mark FI below right side of sword, and mint mark at left.

Reverse : 10 on the right-hand side, below EURO CENT in two lines; Six straight lines run vertically between the lower and upper left hand side of the face, 12 stars are superimposed on these lines, one just before the two ends of each line, superimposed on the mid - and upper section of these lines, the European continent ( extended ) is represented; the initials ‘LL’ of the engraver appear between the numeral and the edge on the right-hand side of the coin.

Diameter ( mm ) Weight ( gr ) Thickness ( mm )
19,73 4,10 1,93
Edge Metal Mint
Scalloped (ribbed edge) Copper alloy Vantaa
Circulation Mint sets Proof
100.000 0 0

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